0 Kills
0 Deaths
Press 'A' to start the tutorial Press 'X' to skip it
Hold down the meta button just under the right stick to get centered. Press 'A' to continue
Look around you. Let's get your perspective sorted.
Hold down 'A' and move the left stick forward and backward to adjust your camera's up and down position. Press 'B' to continue
Hold down 'A' to adjust your camera up and down with the left stick
Hold down 'B' and move the left stick forward and backward to adjust your camera's forward and backward position. Press 'A' to continue
Hold down 'B' to adjust your camera forward and backward with the left stick
Move forward and backward to advance to the next task.
Now you'll learn to control your spaceship... Push forward on the right stick to go forward. Pull back to go in reverse.
Roll right and left to advance
Move the right stick from side to side to roll.
Pitch forward and backward to advance
Push forward and backward on the left stick to control your pitch.
Spin left and right to advance
Move the left stick left and right to spin.
Try increasing the speed of your controls by pushing down on the sticks. press 'A' to continue
You can do any of these actions faster by pressing down on the stick you are moving
Shoot with the left and right lazer cannons to advance.
Shoot using the triggers on either controller.
Slide by squeezing the left and right grips to advance.
Use either grip to slide left or right. Slide to dodge or turn faster.
Press 'X' to turn on seek mode and Go kill some bad guys
Now you'll learn how to pursue an enemy... Enter seek mode by pressing 'X'. Move either stick to exit seek mode. Remember you can move faster by pressing down on the right stick.